GSN in Brief...

The Genetics Society of Nigeria was established in the late 70s to foster professional and academic relationships among the founding fathers. The society has grown more than 500% numerically with membership cutting across academia, professionals, corporate members, and relevant institutions with a vested interest in Genetics and related matters.
Funding of the society’s activities had been mainly through levies, donations, and annual subscriptions and dues from committed members, especially during annual conferences. This, therefore, limits the activities of GSN. The Society, therefore, wishes to solicit financial support and collaboration from private organizations, NGOs, Government and Agencies of government in Agriculture, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, and members of the public to come and support in the following areas:

  • Endowment fund to fully to support cutting edge research for the benefit of mankind.
  • Post-graduate scholarships for higher degree students in any area of Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology.
  • Production and indexing of our Journals in reputable indexing houses for better visibility.
  • Co-sponsoring our Annual Conferences specially to enable us grant wavers to resource-limited members.
  • Sponsor undergraduate Project Proposals on trending topics in Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology.

Prof. S.A. Olakojo

President, GSN | 2022 - 2023

Membership of Genetics of Society

  1. Shall be a holder of a minimum of M.Sc. or its equivalent in Basic or Applied Genetics, Biotechnology (DNA), Genetic Engineering, or its equivalent in related disciplines.
  2. Shall be entitled to the award of Member of the GSN (MGSN) provided he/she satisfies the registration requirements as shall from time to time be set out by the National Executive Council (NEC)
  1. Post-Graduate Students pursuing either M.Sc. or its equivalent in Basic or Applied Genetics, Biotechnology (DNA), Genetic Engineering, or equivalent in related disciplines.
  2. Final year undergraduate students may be allowed to register only for the presentation of papers during Annual Conferences of the Society, provided their supervisors are present.
  3. Shall be entitled to the award of Honorary member of the GSN (HGSN) provided he/she satisfies the registration requirements as shall from time to time be set out by the National Executive Council (NEC)
  1. Individuals who, though not necessarily professionals in any of the disciplines may register as Honorary as ordinary members.
  2. Such membership shall remain valid for as long as the individual/corporate organizations attend the Annual Conference of the Society and contribute positively to the growth of the Society.
  1. Institutions, Corporate Organizations and other relevant agencies shall on application be accepted as corporate members on payment of appropriate dues.
  2. Shall be entitled to the award of Corporate Member of the GSN (CGSN) provided he/she satisfies the registration requirements as shall, from time to time be set out by the National Executive Council (NEC).
  1. Any individual among Professional members shall on payment of a prescribed fee or a bulk sum equivalent to twenty-five years professional membership fee, become a Life member of the Society.
  1. Individuals among Professional members who must have made significant contributions to Genetics Research and/or Development in Nigeria or elsewhere shall on the recommendation of the National Executive Committee be elected as fellows of the society.
  2. The National Executive Committee (NEC) shall, however, seek the advice of the Board of Trustees and Fellows (FGSN) of the Society.
  3. Final approval of Congress by two-thirds majority of members present shall be required in any of the Society’s meetings.